Hi, I’m
Kayley Wilson!
I left my legal management career of over 20 years following my own menopause experience (read below) and utilised my skills in management, HR, research and public speaking to provide effective, interactive, educational and unique workplace menopause training for all.
Why Change it up
Change it up is about making positive changes through increased menopause knowledge and awareness. Training demystifies the misinformation surrounding menopause.
Change it up specialises in workplace training, providing your team with the tools they need to confidently address any menopause issues.

The pause
I stumbled into the menopause not giving it a second thought and why would I? Nobody had ever told me scary stories about it, like they do with childbirth, actually thinking about it, nobody ever said anything. To be honest, I didn’t even recognise the symptoms at first, how crazy is that! Having never suffered with mental health issues, my first symptom was anxiety. This worsened and brought on panic attacks, chest pains and dizziness. My days became unpredictable as I had no idea how I would feel and what symptoms I would have day to day. I didn’t understand what was going on inside my mind or my body.
I did think I was too young … clearly I wasn’t!
The change
After several months, I finally identified that I was perimenopausal and looked for solutions. But I couldn’t find one place that had all the information I needed and there was a lot of conflicting advice. It was really frustrating, which heightened my anxiety. Although my family were supportive, I felt an element of failure as I couldn’t overcome the menopausal symptoms, which left me feeling isolated. I dug deep and did months of research and found the answers I needed to take positive action and feel a lot better! I also recognised that there were so many women in the same position as me, either stumbling into menopause without knowing very much about it, coping with menopause without support or having been through menopause, thinking that was the end to their symptoms. I wanted to create an awareness training programme that included everyone as menopause affects not only the person experiencing symptoms, but their partner, family, friends and colleagues. Having not been taught menopause in school, I wanted to fill in the gaps and increase everyone’s understanding. I also wanted a space that provided reliable information, access to resources and practical tips and advice on how to deal with menopause at home and in the workplace.
So began the creation of Change it Up!

The positive
It’s time to forget about the social negativity surrounding menopause. It’s time to be informed and feel empowered.
Change it up can provide all the information and support you and your business need to raise awareness of menopause and acknowledge the impact it can have. Together we can eradicate the misconceptions of menopause, break down the social barriers and provide meaningful and accurate training that gives everyone the confidence to deal with any menopause issues proactively.